Super Corridor Blogs

Indore Gets Tag of I-T Capital of State-Super Corridor

Posted on 26 Nov 2020

‘IT Capital of state’ is what Indore has been tagged as, with the advent of two new IT-SEZs (IT Special Economic Zones) as Infosys and TCS Indore commence operation from Friday. This takes the toll of SEZs in the state to 5, all majorly located in the vicinity of Indore.

With the end of the financial year 2016-17, TCS and Infosys opened up their campuses at the Super Corridor premise. Executives from Infosys confirmed the operational development at the corridor, with TCS following suit. From both the companies, there was almost every official confirming the developments.

Prominently, there was no straight response from the IT majors upon the fact that both the corporate giants were supposed to commence operations March 31 onwards as directed by SEZ by-laws. However, it is more probable that the start has only been symbolic, without the completion of first phase which might still take 3-4 years. With an investment plan of 600 crores and 50% reservation for state employees, allotment of 100-120 hectare of land has been approved at the rate of 20 lakh per hectare.

With TCS and Infosys Indore starting IT SEZ and operational SEZ numbers going up to 5 and all around Indore, it gives the city the exact right tag for being the ‘Software development capital of the state’.

The first unique multi-product SEZ operational in India is at Pitampur, the second being operational at Ring Road’s Crystal IT park and third as the Impetus IT SEZ. Infosys and TCS SEZs thus follow suit as the fourth one.

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