Super Corridor Blogs
Posted on 22 Mar 2023
A Lease Deed is an agreement between the lessor (the property's owner) and the lessee (the property's tenant) for the lease rental usage of the estate. It is identical to a lease between a landlord and a tenant, although it is normally issued for a longer time—at least one year.
In contrast to a rent agreement, in which a tenant pays the rent to the landlord to access the property, a lease deed requires the lessee to purchase the lease rights to the lessor's property in exchange for the use of the property. All the monetary aspects, terms of the agreement, and other renewal clauses of the lease are contained in a legal document- called 'Lease Deed.'
A lease deed, like a rental agreement, requires some basic information to be included. Some examples are:
1. Names of the parties: The names of both parties—the lessor and the lessee—must be given as they appear on legal papers. Both sides must ensure that neither party's name is misspelled.
2. Lease Deed Duration: This is the total time the lessee is permitted to lease the property. This is usually a longer period, usually over a year.
3. Leasing Consideration: The financial elements of the lease contract are referred to as the lease consideration. This comprises the lease payment made by the lessee to the lessor at the stated periods (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or yearly). The lessor's Security Deposit must also be specified in the lease deed. The lessor must return this sum to the lessee after the lease.
4. Notice Term and Exit Clause: If either the lessor or the lessee finds it necessary to discontinue the lease agreement just before the lease period is over, they can give the other party prior notice. This notice period can range from one month to many months, as agreed upon by the lessor and lessee. It also compensates the lessor or lessee for any losses incurred if the deed is canceled before the specified period.
5. Lease Deed Extension Terms: These are the conditions and guidelines for extending the property's lease after the specified period. The lessor typically charges a renewal fee for lease renewal.
While most property leases are regularly renewed, it is up to the lessee to decide if they want to extend the lease. In addition, some lease agreements grant the lessee ownership over the property upon payment of an acceptable sum after the lease.
6. Sub-Leasing Clause: Sub-letting allows the lessor to lease the property to other parties and receive a lease (or rent) in exchange for them. The primary lessee may benefit from the subletting as well.
Homeowners who want to give their estates on a lease can ask DCNPL Hills Vistaa for assistance. DCNPL Hills Vistaa will help you in the smooth formation of the lease deed while also assisting homeowners in putting their properties on lease on its website.